Seminář Gregga Bradena 29.10.2022
Děkujeme všem účastníkum za účast na semináři 29.10.2022. Věříme, že se Vám seminář líbil.
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– Pořadatelé semináře
Human Evolution
Stress balance
Removing your limits
Way of thinking
Stress management techniques
Healthy lifestyle
Deep states of emotional and physical change
The influence of memories, the influence of cellular memory on our lives
Techniques to change cellular memories
Propojení vědy a spirituality
DNA restoration
Stopping the erosion of our DNA that leads to disease and aging
Telomeres - telomere length, anti-aging
Způsoby mluvení a naslouchání
Open mindset in communication
Mental resilience
New discoveries in personal relationships, business relationships, life decisions
Incorporating these discoveries into your own life in all areas
Realising your potential - removing blocks, programmes and patterns of behaviour
About Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden is an American, internationally renowned and respected pioneer in connecting science, spirituality and personal human potential. He is the author of dozens of influential books that have been named New York Times bestsellers several times. The uniqueness of his books is evidenced by the fact that his books have been translated into 27 languages and published in 30 countries. Gregg Braden is also an accomplished speaker and has been a guest on dozens of television and radio programs.
For more than 22 years, Gregg has searched remote monasteries, high mountain villages, and forgotten or newly discovered texts to reveal their timeless secrets. Through his research, he has been able to write such timeless books as The God Code, Forgotten Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, The Divine Matrix, Turning Point, The Isaiah Effect and many more.
Gregg's research, his work and his books show us quite clearly that the key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past. Based on this, Gregg shows us how the reality of our daily lives, the reality of our relationships, our health and our aging, can change.
The message for each of us is how a specific activation of the very power hidden in our bodies can avert some of the greatest human suffering that has ever befallen humanity. At this event you will discover what this power is and how exactly your life mirrors or not mirror your inner truth... and the truth of all humanity.
VIP tickets in the first rowOnly 15 seatsLIMITED dealBe in the front!
SILVER sector
GOLD sector
Audio záznam ze semináře
VIP sector (front rows)
Coffee break
Lunch menu
Preferential spots at the autograph session and personal meeting with Gregg
Audio záznam ze semináře
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About Seminar
V sobotu 29. října 2022, 9:00, vstup do sálu od 7:30
In TOP Hotel Prague - Blažimská 1781/4, 149 00 Prague 4
Upozornění: Vstupenky zakoupené na seminář Gregga Bradena v roce 2020/2021 nejsou platné na tento seminář. Platné vstupenky jsou pouze vstupenky ze sítě TicketPortal. If you have any questions, please contact us.
The entire event is completely simultaneously translated into Czech by professional interpreters, with whom we have excellent experience from previous years. It's entirely possible to also listen to Gregg Braden directly in English.
The science is clear: We are not what we’ve been told.
Within each of us lie dormant abilities and extraordinary potentials far beyond what was believed to be possible in the past. The key to the highest expressions of our humanness is to unlock the personal code to our advanced neural networks, cell membranes and emotional intelligence that allows us to excel in everyday life, and thrive in times of uncertainty. Pure Human: Ignite! is designed to do just that, by breaking through the limited fear-based beliefs of past programming.
Diverse fields of study ranging from human evolution and genetics, to the emerging science of neuro-cardiology and heart intelligence have revealed new discoveries, and a new human story of self-empowerment and extraordinary potential. These discoveries add to a growing body of evidence confirming that we are a highly advanced “soft” technology of neurons and cells with the ability to self-heal and regenerate the tissue in our bodies; to access advanced states of resilience, immune response, memory and cognition and much more.
On this seminar Gregg will:
We awaken our healing and regenerative powers using specific formulas—precise codes—of thought, feeling, emotion, breath and focus. These codes have been preserved for us in our most ancient and cherished spiritual and indigenous traditions, and are now validated by the best science of the modern world.
Join Gregg Braden for this compelling one-day event as he shares the discoveries that catapult us beyond the conventional thinking when it comes to us—our origins, limits and, most importantly, the extraordinary capabilities available to us in everyday life. In this responsibly presented, fast-paced, highly visual and experiential program, Gregg draws upon recent scientific discoveries and the evidence shared in his new books, combined with time-tested strategies from ancient and indigenous traditions, as he shares the keys for accessing extraordinary states of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health and healing.
Join Gregg, and an international community of heart-based pioneers from all walks of life to discover what it means to be Pure Human!
- Organizace kulturních seminářů v hotelu HILTON Praha – Léčebné kódy Dr. Alexe Loyda v roce 2013, 2014 a v Grandior Hotel Prague v roce 2015 s celkovou účasti 2500 účastníků.
- Organization of Dr. Bruce Lipton's cultural seminar in Prague on 13.10.2018, 6.8.2022 and organization of his visit to the "Slightly Different Talkshow" in Bratislava.
- Organization of certification seminars "Healing Codes" at Štiřín Castle with Mira M. Lišková.
- Organization of the show "Trochu Inak" with Adéla Vinczeová in Olomouc in 2019.
If you have any questions, please contact us.